Resource Control and the Dilemma of Restructuring Nigerian Federalism: Issues and Challenges

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Abdulrahman Dangana Lukman


This paper examined the continuous debates on resource control and the contention surrounding the restructuring of the Nigerian federalism. The study adopted the Interest Group Theory of politics which emphasized the persistent and unending competition of different group for the control of power and resources in a pluralistic society. The quantitative research method was adopted where data were analyzed using content analysis. Findings revealed that, several Commissions were set up to addressed the problem of revenue allocation with particular attention given to derivation, needs, national interest, population and even development. However, the main bone of contention lies in the actual percentage to be accorded to each state or region. Actions which include mobilization campaigns, social protests and heated debates between the North and South presented a challenge to the effective functioning of federal system in Nigeria. In other words, the failure of the state to find a political solution to the problem has led to a plausible demand for structural reform and self-determination within the federation. This paper recommended a democratic resource control model which advocated for the reversal of the principle of revenue allocation and sharing based on equity and distributive justice thereby addressing basic needs of the entire population.


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How to Cite
Lukman, A. D. (2019). Resource Control and the Dilemma of Restructuring Nigerian Federalism: Issues and Challenges. International Journal of Social Sciences, 13(4), 115-134.
Author Biography

Abdulrahman Dangana Lukman, Department of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

GSM: 08032187127; 08029244433


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