International Journal of Social Sciences is devoted to the promotion of research, scholarship and dissemination of knowledge in the area of social sciences and allied disciplines. It will therefore publish research finding, practical and analytical papers and short communications on social issues. Each paper must make significant and definitive contribution to knowledge, address chosen problem(s) and point to possible solution.

Papers should be submitted in triplicate typed double line on A4 size. Each manuscript should have a cover page bearing details like title name and address of author(s). Manuscripts should generally range between 3000 and 5000 words but not exceeding twenty typed pages, doubled-spaced. An assessment fee of N3000.00 must accompany each manuscript.

The paper should be presented in the following sections: (1) Abstract, (2) Introduction, (3) Methods, (4) Results, (5) Discussions, (6) Conclusions, (7) Recommendations, (8) References.

There may be slight modifications depending on the nature of the paper.

This should state clearly the statement of problem, focus of work, procedure adopted and finding. It should be concise about 200 words or half a page and in one paragraph. About 5 key words should be provided directly below the abstracts.

This should consist of the background to the study, review of related applicable literature on the subject, the scope and objective of research, the relevance of the study and International Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 15, No.2, July – December, 2023 definition of terms, where necessary. Cited works should be presen ted within the text as (Ekanem, 1998) or Ekanem (1998) as applicable.

Figure, Table and other Illustration:

Figures should be numbered sequentially and the titles written below, while Tables should have the titles written at the top and numbering done sequentially. Photographs should be properly labelled and the titles written below. Figures, tables and illustrations should be inserted in their appropriate places within the text.

Conclusion and Recommendation:
The conclusion should be a concise summary of major results or findings with explanation of their significance and implications. It may also point out what contributions have been made to knowledge. Where recommendations are applicable, these may be towards policies, education and uniformity as well as suggested area of further investigation or research.

This section should appear at the end of the paper and should list all authors cited in the text and works consulted in an alphabetical order. The acceptable format is the Harvard System and examples are as given below.

Citation for a Journal:
Ekanem E. M. (1999). Urban Surface albedo. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 5:252-260.

Citation from a book:
Trewarth G. T. And Hon L. H. (1980) An Introduction to Climate. McGraw Hill International Books, London. 416p.

Citation from edited book:
Bassey E. W. And Oressy, Y S. (1992). Soil erosion in the trophics, in T. Charlie (ed) Studies of Tropics (5th Ed.), Kingston, caribean publishers, pp 12-20.

Submission of Manuscripts:
Manuscripts must be submitted online as file attachments in MS Word format using the following email addresses: or electronic submission of manuscripts is necessary, a re-writable CD must be used together with one hard copy. The electronic copy should be complete in every detail, with illustrations inserted into appropriate places in the text. Tables should be sequentially labelled at the top with appropriate titles while diagrams should be labelled at the bottom. In addition, please scan all illustrations separately into Corel format and burn them as
different files onto the CD/or supply hard clear copies of the illustrations. Ensure that your electronic copy is free from virus.