Assessment of Awareness and Perception of Sexual Violence in Benin Metropolis: A Gender and Locational Perspective

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J. O. Egharevba
E. Otabor Olubor


The study assessed the awareness and perception of sexual violence from gender and locational perspective. The target population were residents of Benin Metropolis who were 15-70 years old. The mixed survey approach, which combines systematic random sampling with on-the-street survey techniques, was modified to provide an all-inclusive study that included participants from every sphere of life. A total of 250 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, with 50 copies in each of the sampled ten (10) neighbourhoods. KruskalWallis H test and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to test the hypotheses. The results showed that, gender and the level of awareness of sexual violence did not differ significantly. Additionally, there were no significant variations between the level of awareness
of sexual violence and the locality. However, there was a significant difference between gender and perception of sexual violence, while there was no significant difference between location and perception of sexual violence. The regression model showed that the seven
independent variables used only explained 20.8% of the variation in the awareness of sexual violence in the study area. Family type and education beening significant were the only variables that were significant. It was recommended that government should strengthen
sexual harassment policies and provide toll free telephone helplines for counselling and educational interventions (formal and informal) should be carried out to sensitise the populace on sexual violence. 


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How to Cite
Egharevba, J. O., & Olubor, E. O. (2021). Assessment of Awareness and Perception of Sexual Violence in Benin Metropolis: A Gender and Locational Perspective. International Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), 40-53.
Author Biography

E. Otabor Olubor, Department of Geography and Regional Planning University of Benin, Benin City



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