An Assessment of Small-Scale Water Harvesting Systems in Uruan Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State

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Iniubong E. Ansa
Uwem J. Ituen
Comfort M. Abraham


Following the shortfall in water supply from public agencies in rural areas of Akwa Ibom State, small scale water supply system seemed to provide a more reliable water to all residents. The study investigated the role of local water reservoirs in scaling up water availability to middle and low income earners in Uruan LGA. Twelve communities were sampled and copies of questionnaire were administered to all the sampled units. The study identified the role played by local water reservoir in the growth of small and medium scale enterprises such as cassava processing industry, oil palm processing industry, cosmetics, eateries, bakery factory, poultry farming, piggery farm, hairdressing salon, fish farm etc. In the study, the highest number of small scale water provider was found in Nwaniba and the outcome of such statistics was traceable to increasing population of migrants who support local dwellers in constructing and harnessing water from local reservoirs. The study equally examined the number of local water reservoir, the highest number of permanent dug well was
recorded at Ita Uruan while the least number of permanent well was found at Ifiayong Obot. Nwaniba recorded the highest number of stagnant water sources while Nung Ikono Ufok had the least number of stagnant water sources. Community streams and rivers were equally identified in the study. Ifiayong Usuk had the highest number of community streams and rivers, followed by Ekpene Ukim and Nwaniba. The study further examined the variation between the level of water supply and small scale water providers in Uruan LGA, Akwa Ibom State using Kruskal-Wallis H non parametric analysis of variance test. The result indicated that there was a remarkable difference between the mean square shown by the degree of freedom. It was recommended that as a result of the prevalence of water borne diseases local water users in Uruan faces in the management of local water reservoir, more public enlightenment should be redirected toward improving hygiene and sanitation practices in the Uruan LGA and residents in Uruan should be encouraged to dig boreholes given the shallow depth of water table in the region for steady water supply.


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How to Cite
Ansa, I. E., Ituen, U. J., & Abraham, C. M. (2023). An Assessment of Small-Scale Water Harvesting Systems in Uruan Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State. International Journal of Social Sciences, 15(1), 80-96.
Author Biography

Comfort M. Abraham, Department of Geography and Natural Resource Management, University of Uyo, Uyo


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