Nigerian Federalism: The Ethnic Question

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Sunday C. Okon-Akpan


This paper attempted a theoretical explanation of ethnicity problemin the Nigerian Federalism. It looked at the centripetal and centrifugal factors of federalism. It also looked at the roles of colonialism, the colonial masters and the Nigerian nationalist leaders in the evolution of the Nigerian Federalism. The politics of ethnicity and population census in holding on to political power for economic gain was also portrayed. More so, the cataclysmic effect of ethnicity on the national integration and cohesion is manifestly vivid. For the politics of ethnicity not to destroy Nigeria, control of resources by the state and the Amilcar cabral model in Guinea Bissau was suggested to help Nigeria out of the problem of ethnic jingoismin Nigeria.


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How to Cite
Okon-Akpan, S. C. (2024). Nigerian Federalism: The Ethnic Question. International Journal of Social Sciences, 15(2), 155-166.
Author Biography

Sunday C. Okon-Akpan, Department of Political Science University of Calabar


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