Impact of Marine Tourism in the Riverine Areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
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This study examined tourism and its impact on the livelihood of the inhabitants of the riverine areas of Akwa Ibom State. It was designed to investigate the level of tourism development as well as the income it generates for the host communities. It adopted a survey design approach and purposively selected seven Local Government Areas (Itu, Uruan, Ibeno, Okobo, Oron, Udung Uko and Mbo) representing 50% of the target population of the study. Findings from the study showed a strong and positive Pearson correlation coefficient with a significant value which implied that there is a significant relationship between tourism and livelihood development in the study area. It concluded that security was the major factors that determine development of tourism in the riverine areas. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that public awareness on the availability of hospitality tourism centres with in the riverine areas of Akwa Ibom State should be inculcated as this will attract more tourists to the study area. Hospitality staf should also be well trained on how to accommodate and interact with high profile personalities, Effective security should be sustained at all times so as to fight against crime rate and also to encourage foreign and local investors and tourists to stay and invest in the riverine area of Akwa Ibom State.
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