The Blue Economy Technology and Inclusive Industrialization: Imperatives for the Sustainable Development of Coastal Nigeria

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Christopher N. Ekong


The paper explored the blue economy concept and its capacity to generate growth and development in the coastal areas of Nigeria. Using a theoretical research approach and exploring the theoretical frameworks and models of successful and sustainable practices in the blue economy environment, the paper finds out that blue economy has the capacity to generate growth, prosperity and development in a sustainable manner. It also presented the Nigerian coastal areas as having enormous potential for a blue economy revolution. Particularly, the paper identifies Akwa Ibom State as one of the foremost States that has really prepared to take advantage of the blue economy with interesting and blue economy enabling infrastructure.


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How to Cite
Ekong, C. N. (2021). The Blue Economy Technology and Inclusive Industrialization: Imperatives for the Sustainable Development of Coastal Nigeria. International Journal of Social Sciences, 14(1), 1-30.
Author Biography

Christopher N. Ekong, Department of Economics University of Uyo, Uyo





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