Strengthening Nigeria’s Production Base for Effective Participation in African Continental Free Trade Area

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Ettah B. Essien


African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was launched on July 7, 2019 to provide African countries a platform for greater economic cooperation and interdependence. Nigeria is a member of AfCFTA. One objective of AfCFTA, among others, is to enhance competitiveness at the industry and enterprise levels through exploiting opportunities for scale production, continental market access and better allocation of resources. This paper sought to examine the performance of the Nigerian economy in the recent past with a view to assessing if its production base is strong enough to enable it participate effectively in AfCFTA and tap the benefits. The paper adopted the historical – materialist method, which examines the role of economic factors in shaping the society. From our assessment of the domestic production base of the Nigerian economy, it is apparent that it is weak, characterized by inadequate supply of public electricity, low level of technological capability, and resultant weak industrial sector. Therefore, to strengthen Nigeria’s domestic production base for effective participation in AfCFTA, the supply of adequate public electricity (from thermal power, hydropower, and other power sources – wind, solar, biomass) should be among the crucial developmental structures the government should seek to achieve. Improvement in technological capability should be a national question which can be achieved, among other means, through increase in expenditure on research and development (R&D), and increase in the number of researchers and technicians in R&D. Also, ailing iron and steel organizations in Nigeria should be revived, and chemical plants should be provided to give the industrial sector the needed leap.


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How to Cite
Essien, E. B. (2021). Strengthening Nigeria’s Production Base for Effective Participation in African Continental Free Trade Area. International Journal of Social Sciences, 14(1), 44-64.
Author Biography

Ettah B. Essien, Department of Economics University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State

08029886289; 08137595750


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