Election Management Body and the Challenges of Elections in Nigeria: An Exploratory Analyses of Elections (1999-2019)

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Lawrence I. Edet
Enobong D. Umoh
Monday S. Akpakpan


An exploratory analysis was carried out on the responsibilities of the Election Management Body (EMB) and the challenges of elections in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. Elections in Nigeria have always been characterized by ineffective administration, poor organization, questionable outcomes, resulting in conflicts and litigations. This is largely due to weak institutionalization of the agency responsible for election management-the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). INEC lacks the institutional, financial and administrative autonomy as well as lack of professionalism. This study, therefore, explore the challenges of INEC and its effects on elections conducted during the Fourth Republic in Nigeria. The study employed quantitative method in analyzing data collected through questionnaire using chi-square statistical technique. Two hundred questionnaire were issued and one hundred and eighty-five were retrieved. The paper
relied on Institutional Theory as its Theoretical Framework. The study revealed, among others, that a professional, impartial, effective and independent INEC would reduce challenges confronting election organization and management in Nigeria. The study, however, recommended that the Act establishing INEC should be reviewed to enhance its autonomy and capacity to conduct free, credible, transparent and acceptable elections in Nigeria.


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How to Cite
Edet, L. I., Umoh, E. D., & Akpakpan, M. S. (2021). Election Management Body and the Challenges of Elections in Nigeria: An Exploratory Analyses of Elections (1999-2019). International Journal of Social Sciences, 14(1), 195-208. https://ijss.com.ng/index.php/home/article/view/133
Author Biographies

Lawrence I. Edet, Department of Political Science & Public Administration Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo

+234 8027039444

Monday S. Akpakpan, Department of Political Science & Public Administration Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo


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