Sexual Behaviour, Knowledge of Contraceptive Use and Reproductive Health of Senior Secondary School Adolescents Attending Public Schools in Abak L.G.A, Akwa Ibom State
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The study examined the sexual behaviour, knowledge of contraceptive use and the reproductive health of senior secondary school adolescents in Abak L.G.A. of Akwa Ibom State. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. Respondents used in the study comprised 200 senior secondary school adolescents attending public secondary schools. A researchers-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Validity and reliability was ascertained using Cronbach alpha coefficient and a coefficient of .82 was obtained. Simple percentage was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that the sexual behaviour, knowledge of contraceptives and use as well as
the reproductive health knowledge of the adolescents were rather poor due to lack of information. Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that sexuality educational programmes be developed and introduced in our secondary schools to enhance behaviour modifications of the adolescents in Nigerian secondary schools.